ITNYEY (in the new year, every year)

Happy New Year, folks! It’s 2023.

“Where does the time go?”

“HOW is it [insert year] already?!”

“Can you believe it’s now five/ten/twenty years since…”

Etc, etc, etc…

These are the sort of things I (James) say/hear time and again ITNYEY (In The New Year, Every Year). Without fail. I suppose the beginning of a new year does encourage one to reflect over the previous year and look forward to the next so these remarks are inevitable really.

But if truth be told there are a series of things that seem to happen ITNYEY. Some of them very welcome, some of them predictable, some of them downright miserable. Let’s take a look at the typical January happenings that we can expect to see coming down the tracks over the next few weeks. 

New Years Resolutions

Well this is an obvious place to start. Perhaps I am just plain cynical but I am a little sceptical of over ambitious, lengthy and endless new years resolutions. I certainly don’t go for the ones which involve cutting things out or strictly implementing something new to the daily routine. I just don’t have the willpower. Dry January? Not for me. Eat less chocolate? It’s too easy to fall down the “just this once” hole. Go running five times a week? I can already hear the excuses of “but I’m too busy”. 

I prefer to set myself fun and doable challenges that I can space out over the year. In 2023?…well I am not the most adventurous person when it comes to culinary pursuits so my plan is to find a new recipe every month and cook it for my housemates. Simple, achievable and worthwhile. (By the way, if you are the kind of person who can stick to the tough NY resolutions then bravo - you have my respect!).

Batten down the hatches! We have a little time on our hands…

Following the excitement, rush and exhaustion (and expense!) of the festive period, it is not unusual for things to quieten down in January. Pubs and restaurants are always a little emptier; having been to endless social occasions through December, perhaps we have had our fill of boozy nights out for a bit. This period of taking things a little easier can certainly have its benefits. If you have a little more time this January, why not consult that mental to do list which often falls victim to the “I just don’t have time” excuse. Perhaps there is a local park or museum you’ve always been meaning to take the kids to. Maybe you recently discovered a pub or cafe which is tucked away in the local area and you’ve since been keen to pay it a visit (I have an actual list of ‘must visit’ South London pubs, mainly compiled during the lockdowns when I ambled across them during daily walks - this weekend I shall be going to The Bobbin in Clapham Old Town). Or even the more mundane stuff like clearing out a cupboard or getting on top of life admin. Before you know it, we’ll all be rushed off our feet again so ITNYEY is a great time for some of the forgotten stuff. 

There is, of course, another reason why our social lives are put more on the back burner in January. Yep, you’ve guessed it…money.

The Dreaded Tax Bill

December is an expensive month for all of us, particularly if you have children/lots of family members to buy presents for. 

But for those of us who are self employed, it is the double whammy of the tax bill ITNYEY which makes tightening the purse strings all the more necessary. I am yet to pay mine - when I do, I know I shall feel disgustingly virtuous! At least it’s then done for another year…

Business as Usual…

But in many ways of course it is business as usual. Here at Nutty’s we certainly don’t quieten down in January. Seeing as people are born (and thus celebrate their birthdays) all year round, booking and delivering children’s parties is always a twelve month operation. If anything, we get a little busier ITNYEY due to people’s delayed birthday celebrations from the Christmas period. No rest for the wicked.

However you mark the new year or fill your time in January, we hope that 2023 is a year of health, happiness and prosperity. Have a good one!


Nutty's - the process!

